Assessing the Employment Risks in Street Vendors: A Study on Sylhet City in Bangladesh
S. M. Saief Uddin Ahmed*
Md. Mehadi Amin Miah**
Abstract: The study explores that street vending is highly correlated with asset risk and health risk factors. It also found that 24.2 percent (majority) street vendors are selling textile goods, 19.8 percent and 13.3 percent are selling fruits and vegetables respectively. 40 percent of the street vendors are semi-permanent, 26 percent are semi-mobile, 17 percent are permanent and 17 percent are mobile; almost 70 percent street vendors are having their startup capital of less than Tk. 10,000, whereas 59.3 percent of respondents are having a minimum of profit less than Tk. 300 per day. This study is cross-sectional and descriptive in nature. The sample size of 248 from five important locations of Sylhet city in Bangladesh was approached. Samples were selected at random by applying convenience sampling technique. Interview had been conducted using standard questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha and correlations were applied to explore the results. Data were analyzed through SPSS.
Key words: Street vendor, Employment risks, Descriptive Statistics, Spearman Correlation
* Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Sylhet International University.
** Researcher, CHSR, BUP.