Volume 20, Article 4

The Effects of Organizational Climate and Anticipated Reciprocal Relationship on Knowledge Sharing Behavior among Business Students in Bangladesh

Dr. Liza Khanam*
Farnaz Parveen**

Abstract: Knowledge sharing behavior of the students improves their own learning capability now-a-days. However, very few studies investigated the knowledge sharing behaviors of business faculty students in Bangladesh based on theory of reasoned action (TRA) as theoretical framework. Therefore, in this study two research objectives were addressed to examine how organizational climate and anticipated reciprocal factors affect the intention to share students’ knowledge and to investigate the knowledge sharing behavior of business Students. 250 responses from students of two universities in Dhaka had been collected via structured questionnaire for the empirical validation. Results from the field survey show that anticipated reciprocal relationship affects students’ attitudes toward knowledge sharing while organizational climate affects subjective norms. In addition, finding revealed that there is no relationship between subjective norms and behavioral intention. Finally, behavioral intention to share knowledge reflected a positive effect on knowledge sharing behavior among the business faculty students in Bangladesh.

Key words: Knowledge sharing behavior, organizational climate, anticipated reciprocal relationship, theory of reasoned action.

* Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
** Lecturer, Department of Management Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. E-mail: parveenfarnaz@gmail.com