Does Family Matter? A Study on Emotional Intelligence (EI) of Undergraduate Students
Dr. Md. Baktiar Rana*
Dr. Ireen Akhter**
Raihan Sharif***
Abstract: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is now one of the important and sought-after issues for everyone. The aim of this research is to examine whether family characteristics have any impact on two major dimensions (personal and social) of emotional intelligence. The quick emotional self-assessment questionnaire has been used for collecting data from 141 students at business school from one of the public universities in Bangladesh. For analyzing data, simple descriptive, and inferential analysis were done. In general, the social emotional intelligence was observed more than personal emotional intelligence in all students regardless of their family status. The result of hypotheses, tested by independent samples tests was mixed. Both working parents and mother’s occupation have showed significant impact on both personal emotional competencies and social emotional competencies, though the result of father occupation has showed mixed result. Upbringing location and number of siblings do not have any significant impact. As this study has been done only on the students at business school, future researchers may explore Emotional Intelligence with other variables and with other samples.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence (EI), Upbringing, Occupation, Urban, Rural, Personal Emotional Competency (PEC), and Social Emotional Competency (SEC).
* Associate Professor, IBA, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mail:
** Professor, IBA, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mail:
*** Lecturer, IBA, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mail: