Volume 21: Article 9

Developing a Brand Identification Strategy for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): A Descriptive View of Experts

Afsana Hossain*
Md. Zahir Uddin Arif**
Nipa Saha***

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to develop and establish a strategy for identifying the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) branding effectively and efficiently based on the knowledge of NGO expert personnel.

This study has utilized the quantitative research paradigm, where primary data have been collected from the NGO experts of Bangladesh. Even though qualitative research has been marginally undertaken by reviewing the literature and focus group discussion for identifying the variables to assess the brand identification strategies, quantitative research has dominated the whole research paradigm. In doing so, descriptive research has been designed for collecting the data from the 100 NGO experts of Bangladesh by using a simple random sampling technique. A survey-based research questionnaire has been used to gather primary data. Finally, the primary data have been analyzed by using the methods of t-test, paired comparison test, frequency distribution, and factor analysis utilizing SPSS software.

The study has found the program of NGOs as a key factor of NGO brand identification followed by name, logo, and slogan. However, awareness and charity related activities have been found as a critical program for NGO branding, for which social event sponsorship and television commercial could be utilized for branding communication. Above all, the creativity of the program, external management, and internet management are extracted as the significant factors of developing an NGO program

Keywords: Branding, Brand awareness, Brand element, Brand identity, Factor, NGO, Program.

*  Assistant Professor (On Study Leave), Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh. Currently Studying Master’s in Western Sydney University, Australia. Email Id: hossain.afsana76@gmail.com
** Professor, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh. Email Id: mjarif2004@yahoo.com, mjarif2006@gmail.com
*** Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studies, State University of Bangladesh, 77, Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi, New Market TSO, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh. Email Id: nipa_sub@yahoo.com. nipa@sub.edu.bd