Volume 22: Article 1

The Level of Satisfaction of Customers with Online Shopping of Non-Food Personal and Household Products and the Factors Contributing to their Satisfaction Level in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

S.M. Ikhtiar Alam*

Abstract: Online shopping has significantly increased across the world in the last five years. In Bangladesh, right now, there are about 6,000 active online sellers of non-food products with “Seller Rating”. During Covid-19 Pandemic, it became necessary to sell/buy online. In this regard, two important issues need to be examined properly in the context of Bangladesh. First, the overall level of satisfaction of customers with online shopping and the factors that determine the level of satisfaction of these customers. Accordingly, the paper measures the overall satisfaction level of these customers and identifies the factors that contribute to their overall satisfaction level. It also recommends what the sellers should do to make the overall situation a positive-sum game. The paper is based on a survey of 1,560 online buyers of non-food products with different socio-demographic, cultural, and other characteristics. The survey employed a structured questionnaire. A random sampling procedure has been followed in collecting the responses of the sample customers. The paper uses the Lexicographic Model with the relative importance of each factor. The paper finds that the overall satisfaction level of these online shoppers is 50.81% where the male customers are 43.35% satisfied and female customers are 62% satisfied in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. The paper finds nine important factors that contribute to overall satisfaction. Among them, the top three are the right product as promised, price (relative to off-line price), and product description (visual and written).

Key words: Lexicographic Model, Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction, Online Purchases, Product Inertia, Poverty of Time, Spatial Convenience

Professor, Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342,
Bangladesh. E-mail: ikhtiar@juniv.edu