Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Academic Performance: A Study on Final Year Students of Undergraduate Program
Raihan Sharif*
Md. Baktiar Rana**
Ireen Akhter***
In general, it is believed that students with excellent academic performance have higher intelligence level and they are successful in every sphere of life. However, now-a-days people are more concern about emotional intelligence, rather than Intelligence only. The researchers have demonstrated that an individual‘s emotional intelligence is often a more accurate predictor of success than the individual‘s intelligence only, as success is still governed by how well people communicate their ideas and interact with their peers. Thus, emotional intelligence has been found a reliable predictor of academic achievement than general intelligence.
This study tried to relate Emotional Intelligence with academic performance among final year undergraduate students (N=86) of business school of Bangladesh. The quick emotional self-assessment questionnaire adapted for the San Diego City College MESA program from a model by Paul Mohapel has been used for collecting data. For analyzing data, simple descriptive, and inferential analysis were done. Multiple hypothesis was tested here to establish the relationship between eight dimensions of emotional intelligence with academic
performance separately as well as totally. Unfortunately, no relation has been found over there, therefore bi-variate co-relation was done to observed relations among different dimensions and found to be positively associated in majority of the cases.
Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Academic Performance, Self-awareness, Self-management, Social intelligence, and social management
* Assistant Professor,, IBA, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: raihan.sharif@juniv.edu
** Associate Professor, IBA-JU, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: baktiar@juniv.edu
*** Professor, IBA-JU, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: ireen@juniv.edu